Friday, October 16, 2015

The Path Avoided – 0.4

The path avoided – 0.4

After watching the small helicopter fly away west through the storm, the man rode his motorcycle slowly up the slight embankment to the highway.  The figure that had crawled out from the wreckage was leaning up against what was left of the car. 

Definitely not from around here” he thought to himself as he saw the man’s business suit, now soaked with rain and blood.  The blood was coming from a pretty good head wound, as well as deep cuts in his face and arms.  That’s when the rider saw the shredded pants leg and the mangled flesh underneath. 

He put down the stand for his bike, but left the engine running, and slowly approached the injured man.

As soon as the rider stepped in the direction of the wounded man, he began screaming in a panic, desperately trying to scoot away on his three good limbs.  The rider raised both his arms, trying to calm the panicked man.  It wasn’t working, and he was now causing fresh wounds to his hands as he scraped along the shattered glass and splintered metal in a desperate attempt to escape.

The rider finally reached up, and pulled down the deep cowl of his long coat, to reveal his face.  Raising his hands back up, he said, “Inila, niye toka sni iyecetu (1)

Another round of distant lightning illuminated the rider’s face enough for the driver to see that he was a man, an elf, and wasn’t trying to harm him he said, “Wh…who…. Whe… where did the bear go?!? (2)

The rider drew a heavy caliber pistol from its holster on his thigh, and ducked behind the car.  “A bear?  Where?”

The driver looked very confused, “I… it was right there!” he said pointing back in the direction the rider had just come from.

The rider looks down at the driver.  His pupils were fully dilated, his skin pale and waxy.  He’s in shock” he said to himself re-holstering his pistol.  The rider dropped his backpack on the ground, “Caje taku nitawa… cate sice (3)… uh, sorry… What is your name?”

“Wa… wha… what?”

“Your name, what is it?  I am known as magazu (4)Rain, my friends call me Rain.”  He said as he unpacked the Medkit.  Once it was powered up, he waited for it to synchronize with the weak Matrix signals out here in the Badlands.  When the read outs began to scroll, Rain splayed the fingers of his right hand rapidly, which triggered three augmented reality screens to pop up into the elf’s view.

The driver looked up at his rescuer and started laughing.  “Rain… hahaha, because it’s raining… hahaha.”

Rain looked up at the sky to fight the rising ire within him.  Feeling the large cold drops fall on his face, he refocused his mind. 

“Um… right,” he said with a sigh, looking back down to his patient.  The leg was spurting blood.  The Medkit confirmed his suspicions that wound needed to take priority.  He started to tell the man what he was getting ready to do, but the driver’s head had sagged to his right.  Unconscious… at least he’s not feeling the pain right now” Rain thought to himself.

Rain set his left hand on the man’s forehead, and raised his right to the heavens, “Atkuku ki Wakan Tanka, awayaye leciya le wicasa. (5,6,7)” He felt the familiar sensation of mana collecting, and flowing through him, and into the man.  When the sensation eased, he re-examined the man’s leg.  The blood had ceased gushing from the severed artery, but just to make sure, he took off the man’s belt, and fashioned a tourniquet just above the shredded flesh.

Now that he had more time, he dressed the rest of the man’s wounds (8).  When he could, he would sit up higher to try and see if the helicopter was going to return, or if anyone else might be driving along the isolated highway.  Once he had dressed the wounds he could see, he sat back on his heels and raised his face and hands to the sky, and began to pray, “Atkuku ki Wakan Tanka, canl waste kage le wicasa zaniya”. (9)(10)(11)

Once he finished his prayer, he remained with his face to the sky so that he could enjoy the sensation of the thunder storm on his face for a while longer.  After several moments he lowered his arms, “Pilamayaye Atkuku ki Wakan Tanka”. (12)

After he finished putting all of the loose kit away, he returned the medkit to his backpack.  Reaching under his long coat, he withdrew a thirty by twenty centimeter tablet.  With practiced ease, he taped the sequence in.

It’s been a while… I hope they will take my call” he said to himself.

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(1)     (ee-nee-lah), (nee-yea) (toh-kahn shnee) ee-yea-chay-due) (ee-yea-chay-due) // Quiet, you are going to be alright. – in the Lakota language
(2)     English Language test [Intuition (4) + English (1) = DP 5] – [6,6,3,3,5 – 3 hits]
(3)     (chah-zjay)(dah-kue)(nee-dah-wah)… (chahn-day shee-chay) // What is your name?  Sorry…
(4)     (ma-gh-as-zue)
(5)     Casting Stabilize Spell, level 4 – [Spell Casting 4 + Magic 2 = 6 DP] – [4,5,6,2,2,5 – 3 hits]
(6)     Resist Drain, Shaman – [Cha 3 + Will 5 = 8 DP [2]] – [4,6,5,3,2,1,6,2  = 3 hits, no drain (note: drain would have been physical, because the number of hits, exceeded his magic ability)
(7)     (ah-dkue-kue kee) (wah-kahn dahn-kah) (ah-wahn-yahn-yea) (lay-chee-yah) (lay) (wee-chah-shah)  // Father (his/her)  God watch over this man
(8)     First Aid check [Skill Level (1) + Logic (5) + PQ, Quick Healer (2) = 8 DP] – (6,3,1,4,2,6,2,3 = 3 hits)
(9)     Casting Heal Spell, level 4 – [Spell Casting 4 + Magic 2 + PQ, Quick Healer (2) = 8 DP] – [5,4,6,1,2,4,4,1 – 2 hits]
(10) Resist Drain, Shaman – [Cha 3 + Will 5 = 8 DP [2]] – [1,2,6,6,1,5,1,6  = 4 hits, no drain
(11) (ah-dkue-kue kee) (wah-kahn dahn-kah) (chanl wah-shday) (kah-ghay) (lay) (wee-chah-shah) (zah-nee-yah) // Father God, please make this man well (in health)
(12) (pee-lah-mah-yah-yea) (ah-dkue-kue kee) (wah-kahn dahn-kah) // Thank You father God.

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